Monday, December 25, 2006

What are ShowMeDos and screencasts?

ShowMeDo is a web site that hosts screencasts. A screencast, is simply recordings what you're doing on the screen. This is awesome for training, or for showing someone how to do something. For example, someone asked me how they could save my flickr pictures to their local computer. I tried to explain, but they wouldn't listen, so instead I created a screencast that showed how it is done.

To create the screencast, I use camstudio ( get version 2.0 for windows it's free), and then I upload it to google video so that any one can view it.

The video I need to make is here.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Laptops owners with 2 Gigs of RAM can finally hibernate.

After years of not being able to hibernate, MS finally released a patch that fixed my issue with hibernation.

If you're wondering who needs hibernate? I do, and here's why:
  1. Booting my computer is slow
    • I have corporate software that needs to scan my system on startup. booting up and logging in can take upto 5 minutes
  2. I often don't use my laptop for days.
    • Standby needlessly drains my batteries. Nothing worse than pulling out the laptop only to find standby has reduced my batteries to 10%.
  3. I have multiple batteries
    • Hibernate lets me change batteries without rebooting my system.
Good Sleeping